Web Administrator
Mar 24, 2024
Blackout Simeona 10U went undefeated all weekend to claim the Spring Fling 10U first place Trophy.
Weekend Summary
The Southern Oregon Blackout 10U Simeona team displayed a showcase of batting and base-running skills against the other teams in the tournament over the weekend as they ended up with a perfect 6-0 record and first place overall.
In the championship round, the number one seed Blackout Simeona 10U and sister team Blackout Gilinisky 10U were slated to battle again . Once again, Blackout Simeona 10U scored 12 runs and held Blackout Gilinisky scoreless to claim the championship trophy winning 12-0.
You could say it was a great weekend for all the Southern Oregon Blackout teams as they all showed up and represented the organization well.